[U]nacademic Mstake
Written 02.02.2021
“To conclude, in this article I have arged (Scholar, 21st century: page number).”
There it is. Beautiful. Miniscule.
Prowess of unsurmountable knowledge demonstrated in such an eloquent and succinct way.
There it is.
H[u]mane [sick.].
“I have arged” (Scholar qtd. in Loss, 2021: 5), but with whom? What do [u] quarrel with? What is there to defend?
“In this article, I have arged” (ibid.)
Translation into hmanity:
I have fought with the page, with myself. I have been betrayed- by my keyboard, my pen, my editor, my eyes, my brain, myself.
Breathing; Mstake.
Unacademic knowledge transmitted and revealed through a single missing letter. The most important information transferred through absence. The pulsing flesh behind these pages on a screen- exposed.
Mischievous weed, sneaking through the cracks of concrete, bureaucracy, the discipline.
Allowing itself.
Hiding in plain sight. For everyone to see, but only for a few to nderstand.
Growing; Mstake.
M[u]aking space.
Pl[us]acing Mistake.